Friday, September 18, 2015

Top Democratic Donors urge Joe Biden to seek White House

Whether or not, Vice President Joe Biden, will be running as one of the Democratic Candidates for the Presidential Election of 2016 is one of the biggest concerns for those of the Democratic Party. As a CNN article reports, there is a letter from a group of Democratic Donors urging Joe Biden to join the Presidential Race and pledge their support if he does. The letter states that, "In our opinion, the next president must be Joe Biden. If he announces he's running, we're all in. It's a campaign we know we will win." They are greatly encouraging him to enter the race for the next President of the United States and have gathered almost fifty of the top Democratic fundraisers and activists insisting him to run, giving him their full support. The article also discloses that there is even an outside group of supporters called, Draft Biden 2016, who have been preparing groundwork, including setting up infrastructure in key states. The Vice President just has to say that he’s in before it's too late, his campaign funds will be given to him immediately and he will have the absolute support of these Democratic Donors, and once he's in, surely, many more. 

This article is extremely worth the read, especially for those of the Democratic Party, as it mentions why they are willing to offer Vice President, Joe Biden, their full support as well as reasons behind his doubt for whether he'd be running for President or not. Furthermore, it is very important to stay in touch with this topic, because in about a year, he could be the next Democratic President of the United States, following President Barack Obama.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015