Monday, November 30, 2015

Enough is Enough!

As the majority of the people know, Donald Trump, (excuse my language) is a huge asshole. His extreme desire to become president has fully brought out the real him, he makes insulting remarks on topics that in some cases have no correlation on his run for president. For example, as mentioned by a CNN article, his comments regarding hispanics, calling us all rude names, categorizing us all as Mexican drug dealers and insulting Jorge Ramos, a hispanic reporter when he attempted to ask him a question on a press conference he had. He has insulted other reporters as well, for example the disabled reporter Kovaleski from the New York Times, mockingly moving his arms insulting his chronic disease that impedes movement of his arms. Donald Trump has also made offensive comments directed towards Women, Asians, Muslims, African-Americans, the list goes on and on, yet people are still for him on becoming president? People cannot vote for a man who has no morals and says such things, especially during Presidential Debates. Those who are on his side and will vote for him to become the next president have to open their eyes and realize he is not even close to a good candidate, he's supposed to set an example of a great American with great morals, but he does the total opposite, the only thing he has is money, to run his presidential campaign, other than that he's just a huge jerk.

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