Friday, December 11, 2015

ISIS truly does put the "isis" in Crisis

My former colleague, Jacob Hope, recently wrote the article, "ISIS puts the "isis" in Crisis", which talks about the extreme terrorist organization, ISIS’ (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). He argues that it is important to be knowledgeable on the events going on due to ISIS, to reduce the atrocities that have or can occur. There are so many lives that are taken away because of this group that people all over the world need to be aware of and keep up with because we never know where the next attack could be. I agree with him that we really need to be more informed on this and take action on preventing any more of their attacks to also impede any more innocent lives being lost.
He informs us on how the organization of ISIS started, which aids in letting the reader know why they are like they are and why one of their biggest aims is the United States. They were founded in 1999, but not until recently have they become more known due to their morbid attacks. Isis has repeatedly demonstrated that it is much more than a transnational terrorist organization, they have grown command, control, propaganda and logistical capabilities, proved its ability to take and hold strategically critical territory at the heart of the Middle East.(The Guardian

Hope informs the reader that as a result of the attacks occurring, for example, the attack on Paris, more countries have become involved on the problem and are looking for ways to take them down at all cost. Again, I agree with him in the sense that even though everyone does want to take down ISIS, it is not easy they have conflicting and crossing allegiances, which indeed, make it an extremely sensitive and dangerous situation. 

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